Saturday, February 2, 2013

2nd comic book

A prehistoric beast struggles to survive in a hyper-competitive modern society. 

Kencat is the smallest of the kenisaurs - an ultra-efficient carnivorous species that went extinct because there were no longer any easy prey among them to hunt... though they could've evolved into a more advanced species had they not been so competitive. But Kencat, because of his diminutive stature, is able to elude their narrow, predatory scutiny - escaping their doomed world. He stumbles upon a sun-dial-like time travel device that transports one to another dimension accordingly to how one is aligned with its abstract structures. One also enters a dimension accordingly to the density and texture of the dimension, like one's reflection taking shape on a particular surface, be it glass, metal, water- one's reflection also merges with other distorted, expanding forms and reflections - henceforth, 'mapping out' a particular time field of possibilities.

Kencat finds himself in an advanced, neo-classical Tokyo-like metropolis. It is a hyper-competitive city powered by robots and other mecha-beings. Kencat, by way of the energetic fluctuations of evolving consciousness, adapts physically to a futuristic envirement that's populated by mutants, becoming a highly-intelligent, articulate humanoid with distinct feline and reptillian features ( with little memory of his prehistoric past). He prowls around the city, looking for work and friendship. But the dehumanized, desensitized souls fear him because of his exotic, iguana-like, jagged, gemstone shape - though some cyber-beauties secretly have a crush on him, they're too scared to approach such an imposing being.

He trys to fit in, by learning their ways - He focuses on the abstract, intricate structures called quantum building blocks - these blocks represent various dynamics, intuitions, and actions. They're like interactive, multi-dimensional heiroglyphics or mathematical equations - enhancing one's informational intake. But they're useless to him.

Suddenly, a giant robot which acts as a kind of power supply for the city, goes beserk. It's circuit board is ruined by its constant discharge of energy... and the robot-god attacks anything in sight, as if blindly lashing out at mysterious tormentors. Nobody can stop it, expert technicians, or even the military. It goes after Kencat. But the little Kenisaur doesn't panic; he looks deep within, inadvertently tapping into a higher power by asking the right questions, 'though I can't learn from any known system or culture, there must be a far greater, esoteric system that's ideal for me... he immediately sees a humongous, expanding, amorphous mass of fluctuating energy with a vaguely feline/crocodillian shape. It hovers over the quantum building blocks, like a vast cloud leaving the hemisphere to merge with the heavenly elements.

It zaps him with slicing, hammering, grinding, blinding rays - for a microsecond, he's slashed, smashed, and singed, but he absorbs/internalizes the 'cosmic' blows in such a manner that his robust, assymetrical physique becomes even sturdier. He's like a malleable weapon that assimilates or absorbs the blades, hammers, and projectiles in such a way that his armor becomes all-protruding and rugged, which, like cooled lava - adds another dense layer to the craggy terrain... his jutting, serrated features become so powerful that they dull the quantum blades and crack the heavenly hammers.

Kencat is now a heavily-armored giant monster. However, the giant robot quickly thrashes him about. It moves in to crush the monster. But a small, gently-churning puddle appears before the machine, seemingly from nowhere. It dismisses the puddle, stomping its way through, as it reaches for Kencat. But that puddle is really super-potent acid. The robot screams shrilly as it melts - and that acid is really Kencat's searing, flailing attack, shredding the mecha to bits!This was psychological warfare at it's deepest, since the all-powerful machine had dismissed the puddle of acid as being some unremarkable cesspool - just like it had dismissed Kencat as being another critter to crush.Missiles, rockets, and other artillery couldn't penetrate this menacing mechanism - except for the ancient, seemingly outmoded claws of Kencat, last of the Kenisaurs!

                                                                 The comic

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