Tuesday, February 5, 2013

graphic novel part 4, 'The Devil's Avalanche'/'Boxing sugary Nina - bride of Studcreep''

Two lovers think they have what it takes to climb the mountain of demons, but can they comprehend the source of all that 'evil'?

This is a spiritual love story of sorts: 2 mma cyborgs, Boxing sugary Nina and Studcreep catch each other's eye in a gym. They go jogging on their first informal date. Nina convinces Studcreep to take on the challenge of the devil's avalanche with her: one has to climb a steep mountain while fighting a deluge of monstrous warriors and hellish elements.

This demonic deluge is said to embody humankind's collective negativity. No fighter has ever climbed it, more importantly, they know why they failed - understanding the root of all this evil is the key to overcoming it.

Nina and Studcreep hold their own in the initial stages. The demons come in various shapes and sizes; some of their forms are so abstract and organic, that they resemble shape-shifting blades, projectiles, studded spacecraft and other weaponry. But the lovers persevere by combining their strengths - Nina's the indestructible shield in terms of her harsh element-resistant, golem-like sturdiness, and Studcreep's the all-thrusting, multi-headed sword in terms of his explosiveness, indecipherable guile and flexibility.

Studcreep is so attuned to the ever-fluctuating psycho-energetic atmoshere that he literally changes form with every move - accordingly to the anatomical dynamic and function, like a malleable, anthromorphic machine engineered by organic -robotics .

But they hit a barrier, because more demons attack - replacing them at a pace greater than they can be exterminated.

So the lovers retreat upon their realization that the devil's avalanche can't be subdued by one, two, a dozen, a hundred, even a thousand people, since it's comprised of humanity's disowned demons. Society has to combat them as a whole, and reclaim their 'illegitimate spirits' as angels - otherwise the avalanche from below(hell) will keep growing and growing....

The comic -

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