Tuesday, February 5, 2013

graphic novel 3, Apocalyptic Utopia


In a distant world inhabited by conflicting entities, an egalitarian society is still created.
                                                                     Apocalyptic Utopia summary

A distant planet inhabited by various gods, devils, aliens, robots, fairies, and other seemingly conflicting beings, is nearing its end. These entities decide to let go of their petty differences in order to make the best of the thirty years they have left... they understand that - as a result of their many conflicts - great damage has been done to their world.

They start a vast social reconstruction project, which includes the participation of even prisoners and homeless beings.The answers to life's ills suddenly seem so obvious upon removing their self-imposed barriers... citizens work day and night, as they convert prison and military facilities, and abandoned ghettoes into one all-connecting complex that's a cross between a university and mall. Everyone has access to goods, food, education, resources, and shelter.

This positive atmosphere: of creative work, play, and community is so great, that there's no room for doubt or bewilderment... endless probabilities for chaos are converted into infinite possibilities for self-exploration and creativity. .. They realize that they had only advanced so much with their conflicting, overly-individualistic paths - that they're still distanced from one another - stuck at a spiritual standstill... further spiritual progress is only made possible in a unified state...deeper levels of transformative consciousness emerge, and they experience symbolic visions: malignant tanks and armies representing various fears and obstacles( cynicism about the possibility of a fairer world, xenophobia, etc) are blown away by illuminatinating, comet-like blows, these comets representing life-affirming forces. Spiky, armored, heavily-defended fortresses are reduced to transparent, liquid-like surfaces so soft, that even toddlers can pass through with no fear of injury; mighty, majestic palaces and empires become as flimsy as sandcastles. Overcoming these demons enables them to feel a high greater than militaristic triumph. Besides experiencing greater thrills, they recieve deeper truths, and unlimited stamina. This synergestic cycle: of profound answers leading to deeper questions allows them to work in a kind of self-sustaining merry-go-'round state', like some organic, all-enveloping/ all-embracing, shape-shifting mechanism which can change its smaller gears into larger ones, according to the stress at the moment.

Thier heightened awareness enables them to take on many forms - though they don't switch one persona for another false one ; they evolve rather than change, still rooted, as all of their multi-dimensional selves accumulate, like an actor who wears whatever make-up, according to the role, yet you still recognize the performer, no matter the part.

During this shift in consciousness, repulsive mutants appear beautiful, higher gods look more anthromorphic and down-to-earth, and shiny robots become organic and more radiant, like starlit oceans.

Here's an excerpt, describing this transformation:
'All beings, great and small, destructive and nurturing, became so attuned to one an other - that they transcended it all; becoming giants while assembling their own world.

Lightning flashed across the sky (though there was no storm) empowering this nation of inspiration.

Their newfound size and strength allowed them to work better, not necessarily harder.

Their neighbors took on many forms, angelic, monstrous, and machinistic, but no one was too pure/beautiful, menacing, or cold.

All battles were automatically won because every enemy is now an ally - more importantly, they're friends.

The petite giants looked up to the greater giants, as if big brothers and sisters watching over them. They did not envy their great strength - since the 'greater' giants admired their capabilities as well, like cranes depending on bulldozers and dumptrucks.

Adolescene perception rules here. Kids don't care if something's good or bad: carnivorous dinosaurs look cool; tanks, titans, aliens, and beasts can interract.

Children have both heroes and villians for toys, they don't discriminate.

They often worked in meditative silence, other times they roused one another with melodic chatter, like another layer of snow falling on the glistening patches.


Rather than being discouraged by the slightest flaws in their neighbor, they were driven by a deeper incentive merely by not fearing the worst.

If someone was overbearing, like a smug know-it-all, or a high-pitched complainer, they'd let them ramble, like babies crying themselves to sleep - submiiting to the bigger dream.

But you didn't fear confrontation either. If someone got in your face, or put a hand on you, you merely cleaned up whatever mess that got in your way, like shoveling snow, or swatting a fly - though they never staged pre-emptive attacks on the weather or hives, just to live a life devoid of terror.

They humbled the arrogant, and in so doing everyone was empowered. Yet no one took their assaults personally. How can you blame an ailing individual, in excruciating pain because of their downbringing( not upbringing)?

They were so self-aware that nothing could be repressed, therefore the demons of envy, resenment, and prejudice were forced to take their fight outside so to speak.

Not even the most hateful, powerful devils could claw and tear away for half a round, because their disproportioned, muscular forms had shrunk.

And the well-to-do no longer looked down on the counterculture as being dirty, lowly, undiciplined hippies. They realized that the radicals were simply a few bold specialists sailing the hull of a great ship,

more majestic than the Titanic and Battleship Yamamoto.

The revolutionaries had discovered the hulking hull and added some parts, but more could be added - though the myopic establishment thought it to be a useless barge.

But imagine how glamorous the humble mission can be if the mainstream uses its resources and expertise to sponsor it.'

The apocalyptic utopians are so unified in mind and spirit, that they're not even aware that their world has ended. They just keep on working, relating, and creating - in a hallucinatory dimension. truer than reality.

The comic















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